4 time sarpnch contineu RAMISHUN ,GRAM PANCHAYAT -BARIYON ,BLOCK -RAJPUR , DISTRICT SURGUJA, the persnolty ramkisun natural politician god gifted service work publik of bariyon also rajpur blok villegers. he is good work and there fmly to all villagers gram panchayat bariyon today develop village of all over india so hard work ramkisun and his team work. aadivasi boyes play footbal and participet tournament by suport of ramkishun . more wter resorce in bariyon scool and hospital ,sucsesful nal- jal yojana and more work the best young sarpanch ramkisun . a yang man see all samaj and contry to day aarashan to make ramkisun see dobiop the young politcian
ramkisun sarpanch see all india ad follw read he and work